Falcon Eye Solutions Company

Solution details

Car Parking System

What is Car Parking System?

These systems support maintaining a pleasant urban life for people and vehicles via use of parking lots and parking facilities. Amano offers reliable and high quality parking management systems by taking advantage of state-of-the-art technology in its product development, system construction, maintenance, and operation management. Amano will fully support parking lot owners through proposal for making more comfortable and efficient parking lots, improving profitability, and effective utilization of idle land spaces.


Potential Benefits of Smart Parking Solution :

  • Cost and Time Efficient Solution
  • Faclon eye solutions
  • Reduce Parking Stress
  • Reduce Search Traffic on Streets

Car Parking System Components

  • Surveillance and Security
  • Systems Automated Entry and Exit Terminals
  • Parking Guidance System (PGS)
  • Central Parking Management Software
  • Vehicle Detection Sensors
  • Automated Payment Systems

Car Parking System Applications:

  • Parking Lots
  • Parking garage
  • Park-and-Ride Facilities
  • Valet Parking
  • Smart Parking Systems

Are You Going to Implement Project?

Olaya Street, 2758, Al Mahyah, Al Olaya, RHOA6269, Riyadh 12221, Saudi Arabia



058 279 7640

Our solutions
